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В пом.006/2 на полу в рядах Г-Ж и К-Н наплывы бетона, повышение высоты наплыва к ряду Н до 2м. Проход далее невозможен. В пом.002/2 состояниестроительных конструкций удовлетворительное, деформаций и разрушений необнаружено, наблюдается повышенная влажность.

                        Control Points

1. Pallet near Room 008/5:     4-7 / 40,000 / 3 / 1500

2. Near door 008/7:                1 / 2400 / 5 / 1500

3. Lead near wall across from door 003/5:   110 / >100,000 / 7 / 10,000

4. Near door 009/4:                   10 / >100,000 / 24 / 9,000

5. Near door 003/8:                   10 / >100,000 / 10 / 15,000

Alpha overall / beta overall / alpha removable / beta removable

Unit of measure: counts per minute per sq. cm

                        Control Points

1. Entrance:        7 / 4700 / 3 / 1500

2. Near stairs:     7 / 3000 / 2 / 1500

3. Near ladder:  4 / 13000 / 0 / 3000

4. Point on floor: 3 / 2500 / 5 / 600

5. Point on floor:  3 / 2500 / 2 / 4500

Alpha overall / beta overall / alpha removable / beta removable

Unit of measure: counts per minute per sq. cm

In room 006/2 on the floor in rows Г-Ж and К-Н concrete beads, increasing the height of the beading to row H up to 2 m. No further passage is possible. In room 002/2, the state of the building structures is satisfactory, no deformations and destruction were found, there is high humidity.

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