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Cartogram of Room 635/3 (rows Б - B, axes 42 - 50) and route to it

(on two pages)

Entry to room is through Room 635/4.

Approach to axis 43, climb to lvl. +28.75m, cross to axis 54, climb to lvl. +31.5m. Then cross via service area to axis 42.

This area has two staircases (at axis 44 and 46-47) for descent to lvl. +28.75m.

Stairs at axes 46-47 from lvl. +31.5m to lvl. +28.75m are in very condition.

Room cluttered with pipes, equipment

from axis 44 to axis 48, in rows Б - B

Service area on lvl. +31.5m

Service area on lvl. +31.5m

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